How much is 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani on today 07 21, 2024 ? Chart, history price and prediction on tomorrow, next month, 2024 year (2024)

Price 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani based on current data,
received from currency exchange exchanges as of 07 21, 2024, is 70.61 AFN.

How much is 1 GUSD in AFN?

07 21, 2024
1 GUSD = 70.61 AFN
▼ -0.04 %
1 AFN = 0.01416159 GUSD
1 GUSD = 70.61 AFN

Chart of History of price changes 1 GUSD in AFN

Price statistics 1 Gemini Dollar in Afghani

For 30 days
Minimum 70.51 AFN
Maximum 71.54 AFN
Weighted Average 70.84 AFN
For 90 days
Minimum 70.32 AFN
Maximum 72.47 AFN
Weighted Average 71.2 AFN
For 365 days
Minimum 68.18 AFN
Maximum 85.07 AFN
Weighted Average 73.93 AFN

Change in the price of 1 GUSD to AFN in the last 30 days

For the last 30 days (06 22, 2024 — 07 21, 2024) price 1 Gemini Dollar against Afghani changed by -0.08% (70.67 AFN — 70.61 AFN)

Change in the price of 1 GUSD to AFN in the last 90 days

For the last 90 days (04 23, 2024 — 07 21, 2024) the price of 1 Gemini Dollar against Afghani changed by -2.11% (72.13 AFN — 70.61 AFN)

Change in the price of 1 GUSD to AFN in the last 365 days

For the last 365 days (07 23, 2023 — 07 21, 2024) the price of 1 Gemini Dollar against Afghani changed by -16.15% (84.21 AFN — 70.61 AFN)

Change in the price of 1 GUSD to AFN for the entire time

For all the time our site has been running (04 10, 2020 — 07 21, 2024) the price of 1 Gemini Dollar against Afghani changed by -6.79% (75.76 AFN — 70.61 AFN)

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Price prediction 1 Gemini Dollar in Afghani

Ways to predict the exchange rate and cryptocurrencies.

  1. Technical analysis: This method uses past price and volume data to try to identify patterns that can indicate future price movements. Traders and investors use technical indicators, such as moving averages, MACD, RSI, and candlestick charts, to analyze the market and predict future trends. For example, if the price of Bitcoin has been trading in a range for a while, and then breaks out above a key resistance level, traders may expect the price to continue rising.

  2. Fundamental analysis: This method looks at underlying economic and financial factors to try to determine the intrinsic value of an asset. Fundamental analysis includes analyzing financial statements, economic indicators, news events, and other factors that can affect the supply and demand of an asset. For example, if a country's central bank raises interest rates, the currency of that country may appreciate against other currencies.

  3. Sentiment analysis: This method uses social media and other sources to gauge market sentiment and investor psychology. Traders and investors use sentiment analysis to try to identify trends and potential turning points in the market. For example, if there is a lot of negative news and sentiment surrounding a particular cryptocurrency, traders may expect the price to decline.

  4. Machine learning and AI: This method uses algorithms and statistical models to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions about future price movements. Machine learning algorithms can learn from past data and adjust their predictions as new data becomes available. For example, a machine learning algorithm could analyze past price data, news articles, social media sentiment, and other factors to make predictions about the future price of a particular cryptocurrency.

Prediction of 1 Gemini Dollar in Afghani for the next 30 days*

22/07 70.55 AFN ▼ -0.08 %
23/07 70.57 AFN ▲ 0.02 %
24/07 70.63 AFN ▲ 0.08 %
25/07 70.68 AFN ▲ 0.07 %
26/07 70.18 AFN ▼ -0.7 %
27/07 70.24 AFN ▲ 0.08 %
28/07 70.81 AFN ▲ 0.82 %
29/07 70.81 AFN ▲ 0 %
30/07 70.73 AFN ▼ -0.12 %
31/07 70.7 AFN ▼ -0.05 %
01/08 70.78 AFN ▲ 0.11 %
02/08 70.66 AFN ▼ -0.17 %
03/08 70.92 AFN ▲ 0.37 %
04/08 70.82 AFN ▼ -0.13 %
05/08 70.74 AFN ▼ -0.11 %
06/08 70.83 AFN ▲ 0.13 %
07/08 70.97 AFN ▲ 0.2 %
08/08 70.87 AFN ▼ -0.14 %
09/08 70.56 AFN ▼ -0.44 %
10/08 70.68 AFN ▲ 0.16 %
11/08 70.53 AFN ▼ -0.2 %
12/08 70.62 AFN ▲ 0.12 %
13/08 70.31 AFN ▼ -0.45 %
14/08 70.1 AFN ▼ -0.29 %
15/08 70.75 AFN ▲ 0.93 %
16/08 70.76 AFN ▲ 0.02 %
17/08 70.25 AFN ▼ -0.73 %
18/08 70.55 AFN ▲ 0.43 %
19/08 70.37 AFN ▼ -0.25 %
20/08 70.37 AFN ▼ -0.01 %

* — The prediction of the price of 1 Gemini Dollar in Afghani is made by our specialists based on statistical data, global trends and major business news. Price prediction of 1 Gemini Dollar in Afghani for 30 days, 3 months and a year are made by different experts and may have slight differences.

Prediction of 1 Gemini Dollar in Afghani for the next 3 months*

22/07 — 28/07 70.3 AFN ▼ -0.45 %
29/07 — 04/08 70.49 AFN ▲ 0.27 %
05/08 — 11/08 68.76 AFN ▼ -2.45 %
12/08 — 18/08 69.71 AFN ▲ 1.37 %
19/08 — 25/08 69.03 AFN ▼ -0.96 %
26/08 — 01/09 68.7 AFN ▼ -0.48 %
02/09 — 08/09 68.7 AFN ▼ -0 %
09/09 — 15/09 68.77 AFN ▲ 0.09 %
16/09 — 22/09 69.07 AFN ▲ 0.44 %
23/09 — 29/09 69.38 AFN ▲ 0.45 %
30/09 — 06/10 68.45 AFN ▼ -1.33 %
07/10 — 13/10 68.74 AFN ▲ 0.42 %

Prediction of 1 Gemini Dollar in Afghani for the next year*

08/2024 64.02 AFN ▼ -9.33 %
09/2024 67.37 AFN ▲ 5.22 %
10/2024 62.38 AFN ▼ -7.4 %
11/2024 58.58 AFN ▼ -6.1 %
12/2024 59.39 AFN ▲ 1.38 %
01/2025 62.97 AFN ▲ 6.03 %
02/2025 61.51 AFN ▼ -2.32 %
03/2025 60.98 AFN ▼ -0.86 %
04/2025 61.64 AFN ▲ 1.08 %
05/2025 60.69 AFN ▼ -1.54 %
06/2025 59.98 AFN ▼ -1.16 %
07/2025 59.57 AFN ▼ -0.68 %

More prediction on GUSD/AFN from our team

  • 2 GUSD → 141.23 AFN
  • 10 GUSD → 706.14 AFN
  • 5000 GUSD → 353,068 AFN
  • 100 GUSD → 7,061 AFN
  • 50 GUSD → 3,531 AFN
  • 5 GUSD → 353.07 AFN
  • 500 GUSD → 35,307 AFN
  • 1 GUSD → 70.61 AFN
  • 1000 GUSD → 70,614 AFN
  • 200 GUSD → 14,123 AFN
  • 2000 GUSD → 141,227 AFN


What is the price 1 GUSD in AFN today, 07 21, 2024?

As of today, the price of 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani is - 70.61 AFN

What will be the price 1 GUSD in AFN tomorrow 2024.07.22?

For tomorrow 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani exchange rate - 71 afn

What will be the price 1 GUSD in AFN in the next month?

Our analysts have made a detailed prediction price 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani for the next month. You can see it by this link. For your convenience, it is broken down by day. Please note that this is only an approximate prediction and actual data may vary.

What will be the price 1 GUSD in AFN in the next 3 months?

Our analysts have made a detailed prediction price 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani for the next quarter. You can see it by this link. For your convenience, it is broken down by week. Please note that this is only an approximate prediction and actual data may vary.

What will be the price 1 GUSD in AFN in the coming year?

Our analysts have made a detailed prediction price 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani for the next year ahead. You can see it by this link. For your convenience, it is broken down by month. Please note that this is only an approximate prediction and actual data may vary.

Our expert

All forecasts on our website are made by our professional financial experts. Here are just a few of them:

How much is 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani on today 07 21, 2024 ? Chart, history price and prediction on tomorrow, next month, 2024 year (1) Anthony Carter CEO, lead analyst

How much is 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani on today 07 21, 2024 ? Chart, history price and prediction on tomorrow, next month, 2024 year (2) David Bailey Managing Director, Director of research Department

How much is 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani on today 07 21, 2024 ? Chart, history price and prediction on tomorrow, next month, 2024 year (3) Anthony Glenn Deputy head of analytical Department

How much is 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani on today 07 21, 2024 ? Chart, history price and prediction on tomorrow, next month, 2024 year (4) Joseph Hensley Senior analyst, markets and equities Department

How much is 1 Gemini Dollar to Afghani on today 07 21, 2024 ? Chart, history price and prediction on tomorrow, next month, 2024 year (2024)


How much is 1 dollars in Afghani currency? ›

1 USD = 70.000001 AFN Aug 05, 2024 20:36 UTC

The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently.

How much is a Gemini Dollar to Dollar? ›

Gemini Dollar Price Live Data

The live Gemini Dollar price today is $1.00 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $4,492,589 USD. We update our GUSD to USD price in real-time.

How much is 1 Gemini coin? ›

About Gemini Dollar

The Gemini Dollar price is $1.01, a change of 0.11% over the past 24 hours as of 5:00 p.m. The recent price action in Gemini Read more...

What is the value of Gemini Dollar? ›

The current price of Gemini Dollar is $1.00 per GUSD.

How much is $100 US in Afghanistan? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Afghan Afghani
100 USD7,089.96000 AFN
250 USD17,724.90000 AFN
500 USD35,449.80000 AFN
1000 USD70,899.60000 AFN
8 more rows

How much is 1000 dollars in Afghanistan? ›

70,643.40000 AFN

What is Gemini price? ›

Today vs. 24 hours ago
AmountToday at 3:38 pm24H Change
1 GEMINI₹0.00000050-13.39%
5 GEMINI₹0.00000251-13.39%
10 GEMINI₹0.00000501-13.39%
50 GEMINI₹0.000025-13.39%
4 more rows

Is Gemini coin good? ›

Gemini is a relatively safe exchange with fiduciary status. It requires all users to implement two-factor authentication. The company prides itself on offering safe and secure crypto trading services.

How safe is Gemini dollar? ›

Always redeemable for USD

Every single GUSD in circulation is fully backed by cash or cash equivalents held across bank accounts, money market funds, and US treasury bills.

Who owns Gemini Dollar? ›

It is one of the most popular exchanges and is owned by Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. Gemini.

How to sell Gemini Dollar? ›

How do I buy or sell my Gemini dollar (GUSD)? You can buy or sell GUSD on the Gemini app, Gemini Basic interface, or Gemini ActiveTrader™, the same way you buy or sell any other crypto. Please note, if you are using ActiveTrader interface you must change your interface to the Gemini Basic in order to buy or sell GUSD.

What is Gemini money? ›

Gemini is a full-reserve and highly-regulated cryptocurrency exchange and custodian. Based in NYC since 2014.

How much is 50 dollars in Afghanistan? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Afghan Afghani
50 USD3,502.17500 AFN
100 USD7,004.35000 AFN
250 USD17,510.87500 AFN
500 USD35,021.75000 AFN
8 more rows

How much is 20 dollars in Afghani rupees? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Afghan Afghani
20 USD1,400.87000 AFN
50 USD3,502.17500 AFN
100 USD7,004.35000 AFN
250 USD17,510.87500 AFN
8 more rows

Which country has the highest currency? ›

The highest-valued currency in the world is the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD). Since it was first introduced in 1960, the Kuwaiti dinar has consistently ranked as the world's most valuable currency. Kuwait's economic stability, driven by its oil reserves and tax-free system, contributes to the high demand for its currency.

What is Afghani to dollar prediction? ›

Long-Term US Dollar to Afghan Afghani forecast for 2024, 2025 and beyond
YearYearly LowYearly High
2024؋ 68.95؋ 71.24
2025؋ 32.71؋ 71.24
2026؋ 39.98؋ 73.88
2027؋ 67.56؋ 70.95
3 more rows

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.